Chiropractic for Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a condition with no known medical cure. It is characterized by chronic and debilitating pain all over the body, and heightened pain under pressure. Its symptoms can cause patients to suffer from widespread pain, poor sleep, chronic tiredness and even depression. The causes of fibromyalgia are unknown. Some theories cite that the patient’s low pain threshold may be attributed to increased sensitivity in the brain to pain signals. Other possible causes could be a genetic predisposition, stress, the disruption of normal dopamine related neurotransmission, abnormal serotonin levels and deficient growth hormone secretion. While there is currently no cure for the condition, its symptoms can be alleviated by chiropractic treatment and Nutritional therapy. Call us or go online to mak an appointment to see if you are qualify for Dr. reza Naghavi treatment plan.

Dr. Reza Naghavi DC uses manipulation, which is a technique involving short and quick thrusts to the vertebrae in the spine to shift vertebrae back into their correct position. The treatment found in chiropractic care is based on the idea that illnesses and pain in the body arise from misalignments in the body’s skeletal structure. In order for the body to function healthily, the spine and the skeletal structure need to be set in the correct position – otherwise problems like chronic pain can arise.

Fibromyalgia causes numerous, tender points to occur all over the body, including back and neck pain and leg cramps. As a result of these symptoms, sufferers of fibromyalgia have sought treatment from Dr. Reza Naghavi DC. Because the adjustments made during treatment help to restore the posture of the skeletal system, many sufferers find that treatment can help to reduce a significant amount of pain. Some fibromyalgia sufferers experience a condition known as cervical spinal stenosis, which results in compression of the spine’s meninges, which are the coverings of the upper spine. This can result in debilitating pain all over the body.  Dr. reza Naghavi at Houston, Texas may be able to help with cervical spinal stenosis by adjusting the spine around the head and neck, releasing this compression and eliminating the symptoms attributed to it.

The effectiveness of chiropractic care and nutrition therapy has been studied in sufferers of fibromyalgia, where patients were asked which method of treatment, medical or alternative, helped the best with their condition. The majority voted for chiropractic treatment. In addition, the effectiveness was tested by using spinal manipulation to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms, and after 15 treatments, results concluded that patients had reduced fatigue and pain as well as improved sleep quality.

While fibromyalgia sufferers continue to look for a cure, it is great to know that there are ways to alleviate the symptoms and live a more normal life. If you or someone you know suffers from undiagnosed chronic pain or fibromyalgia, please share this article with them and encourage them to get a Free consultation from our office A $197 value. Call us now never is late,cost you nothing to have Dr. Naghavi look at you. Please read His Fibromyalgia Story……..


I started seeing Dr. Naghavi in August of 2010. At the time I was suffering from muscle pain all over my body that progressively got worse. I also had reflux, hypothyroid and high cholesterol. I was taking increasingly more medications. I became more and more concerned that something was terribly wrong with me. I was paranoid and stressed out. I had seen several specialists for my muscle pain only to get the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. All my other problems were address with medications but I wanted something better. I wanted a way to manage it with out being drugged to death. I was disappointed with how much western medicine does not know about the human body. I am a practitioner myself and have access to lots of research and treatment information but could find no solutions after hours of reading and doctor visits. I was skeptical over the years about holistic approaches and with chiropractic medicine. But after all of my experiences I became more open minded. I think the biggest problem is we don’t listen to our bodies and our doctors rely too much on the known science without really listening to their patients. Or even admitting that there are things we just do not know currently without dismissing a patient’s complaint. Since seeing Dr. Naghavi I am much more healthy and active than before. I do still have muscle pain but it is significantly better and I continue to work towards alleviating it altogether. I was able to get off all of my medications relieving myself of their side effects. My cholesterol now is better then it was when I was 25 years old-at 200. It is now 154. I am eating healthier and have lost 20 pounds. I have made it my lifestyle as we all should when it comes to our health. We also addressed the mental part and how it relates to health. I had issues with anger and stress. The awareness alone made a big difference. I continue to work on those issues as well and have noticed when I am able to manage them I have greater energy and less pain. Overall I am very pleased with my progress working with Dr. Naghavi and have no hesitation recommending him. Richard O’Brien

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