The Vertebral Column; Back Bone Or Spine


Spine is called ‘vertebral column’ other common names are spinal column or back bone. Extending from skull to pelvis; the most essential part of the body, structure wise as well as functionally. It is like a pillar of our body which gives the body support to stand upright and being flexible enough lets us bend and twist. Anatomy of spine will give us an insight to the importance of its health and of maintaining a proper posture.

This spinal column is made up of 33 small bones called vertebrae stacked on each other. It gives protection and passage to the spinal cord. The spinal column is divided into four regions. Cervical (neck) consist of 7, thoracic (mid back) 12, lumbar (low back) 5, in sacral 5 vertebrae and 4 in coccyx which make the tailbone. Only first 24 vertebrae are movable. Muscles and ligament connected to vertebrae hold them in certain alignment and give it strength. In between vertebrae is a cushion the intervertebral disk which have gel like material in center and that act like coil springs. With age these disc go flatter and brittle and we lose height. Disks are damaged by osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, injury; forming bone spurs and disc hernia which compress nerves and pain in the back.

The spinal cord connects the brain to rest of the body and serves like a highway for nerve signals between the two. It is around 18 inches long bundle of nerves running through the spinal canal in vertebral column. If the spinal cord is damaged at any level it can cause loss of sensation and motor functions. With knowledge of the anatomy, point of injury can be easily identified. Thirty one pair of nerves branch from the cord and are numbered according to the vertebrae below them. Each of these innervates specific areas (dermatomes) across the body. These derrmatomes help locate the spinal problems. Like in sciatica leg pain indicates problem in lumbar area.

Spine goes through development stages hence in crawling infants it is C-shaped. It takes S-shape in adults for two legged walking. These curves give balance and range in motion along with absorbing the shock while walking. Any spinal deformity will cause defect in the shape, curvature and flexibility of spine. In Lordosis; spine is significantly curved inward, Kyphosis; abnormally rounded upper back and Scoliosis; sideways curve of spine.

Many injuries like fractures, dislocation, misalignment (subluxation), disc compression (herniation), blood accumulation and tears of ligaments can cause spinal problems. Even infection, tumors and age related degeneration can play havoc. Pain and limited range of motion will be there in all of the conditions. These could be a setback in daily living. Treatment differs by disease. Spine needs good care and good habits will go a long way. If you have back problem get to it immediately, have a chiropractor examine it. Chiropractors are health care givers who work especially on this region.

Our Doctors at ‘Walk in Chiropractic’ are well trained licensed chiropractor. They will help you find the problem whether it is started some time ago or has just started. Call 713-529-4808 or walk in and get examined and learn what is best for you.

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