What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) progressively develops. Patient initially notices that at night or when he wakes up that there is ‘pin and needles’ sensation in his hands especially in the thumb and first two fingers, same as when hand falls asleep. At first this tingling or numbness radiating from wrist to palm and fingers may not seem to be a big deal. Later this becomes painful and hand seems to go weak. One feels pain or tingling holding things like a book or phone during day time even. This pain, numbness and weakness might radiate up into the forearm also.

Carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel made up of bones and ligaments at the wrist. Through which tendons, muscles, blood vessels and Median nerve passes. Median nerve controls movement and sensation of thumb and of index and middle finger of the hand. CTS develops due to compression or pinching of this nerve. It does not go away on its own. In fact if left untreated it often gets worse the muscle at the base of thumb may waste away (atrophy) and there will be loss of hot and cold sensation.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common of the entrapment neuropathies in extremities. There can be a combination of issues which can increase the pressure in the tunnel and hence compress the nerve. It could be due to smaller carpal tunnel or injury to the wrist. Arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism over active pituitary gland, work stress, or pregnancy may the factors too.

It usually occurs in adults and women are 2-5 times more prone to develop this than men. The symptoms are noticed in the dominant hand first. Carpal tunnel is more common in the assembly line workers. Previously it was thought that people who work on computer for long hours are at higher risk but a study conducted proved it to be wrong. People who have high intake of tobacco, alcohol and caffeine are at higher stake.

Carpal tunnel syndrome should be diagnosed and treated early to avoid permanent Median nerve damage. Physical examination of hands, arms, shoulder and neck should be done so as to establish that either the symptoms are due to any underlying disorder, or are related to daily activities.

Our Doctors at Walk In Chiropractic use specific test like Tinel and Phalen test which produce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Routine labs and x-rays are done to check diabetes, arthritis, fractures other causes that can mimic CTS. Sometimes a nerve conduction study, electromyography, ultra sound imaging and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are done to determine the cause and damage.

Studies have shown that chiropractic joint manipulation and mobilization of the wrist and hand may help prevent and treat this order.

A visit to “My Walk In Chiropractic” might save you from unnecessary medicines or surgery. Here the Chiropractors will examine you and will help in every way. Our chiropractors will assess whether the pain at you wrist is due to some other musculoskeletal condition or is due to CTS.

After the evaluation Doctors in our clinic will draft a custom made treatment plan, as not every person, can benefit from one regimen. The treatment involved may be ice and heat, joint manipulation (chiropractic adjustment), massage and stretching exercises to increase the flexibility and strength of muscles and Low level laser Therapy (LLT) treatment to encourage the recovery and a guide to a life style to minimize stress in best way possible like Nutritional supplements and reviewed ergonomics.

It would be better to be sorry later. Call us now for consultation and get the drug free treatment and long term relief from CTS. Call us at (713)529-4808

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