Annoying, Frustrating and Painful Condition

Has it ever happened to you that one day, you are doing your daily routines you bend; ‘SNAP’ and a sudden stabbing pain in the lower back grabs you? You feel jammed; you might notice tingling or burning sensation along with pain, radiating to upper back, shoulder or leg. This usually will subside itself in couple of days but if it is persistent or gets worse you need help! Here is a picture of what went wrong and what can be done about it.

The lower back or the lumbar region performs some important functions like structural support, movement and protection of the trunk area. Only if we try and understand lumbar region; the complicated vertebral column, consisting of 5 vertebrae (strongest and the largest) stacked on each other in certain alignment with the help of ligaments and muscles and in between these are the vertebral disc; most importantly the spinal cord (the bundle of nerve) traverses through it, along with some other organs lying near it. Now it will be easier to comprehend the basics of pain in lower back that the pain could be due to any problem in any of these structures.

This lower back pain is 2nd most common muscle skeletal pain for landing into doctor office. Pain experienced could be dull, achy or excruciating, causing difficulty in moving around; walking, sitting or standing. The pain may or may not radiate into leg, buttocks, thigh or groin. You could also feel tingling, burning sensations, numbness or weakness of muscles or lower limb.

The lumbar back pain could be multifaceted due to multiple structure of this region. Most likely the muscles, nerves and tissues of and around vertebral column are involved for e.g. muscle strain (pulled muscle), sprain (ligament stretched), pinching of nerve or nerve-root (sciatica, shingles), bony encroachment or bone and joint problems (wear and tear, disc herniation, osteoarthritis, scoliosis, spinal stenosis or fractures). It could be referred pain or may be secondary to some condition or disease (Pregnancy, ovarian problems, possibly tumors and diseases or infection of the organs present in lumbar and pelvic region). The stress, obesity and bad posture can’t be ignored and need to be emphasized.

In 85% cases of the back pain, exact cause can’t be determined. So the history and examination will have prime importance. Your ability to sit, stand, walk, and bend will be accessed to establish the origin and rule out more serious conditions. If required; more test like normal labs, X-ray, MRI, CT scan, Bone scan or Nerve studies may be ordered. Diagnostic test may not confirm the cause but in absence of any anatomical evidence the pain can be real and needs treatment.

The treatment of lower back pain depends on the cause and severity of the pain and both vary from person to person. In routine medical practice; pain killers, physical therapy, steroid injections or surgery is done. People of these days are more aware of expenses and concerned of consequences and they look for safe, natural and practical approach. It has been recognized that Chiropractic Adjustment help improve spinal functions by addressing the root cause and decreasing pain and inflammation.

The American college of physician and American Pain society in the guide of line of treatment of lower back pain, recommended the patient and doctors to consider options with proven benefits such as Spinal Manipulation and massage therapies.”

If you are in Houston and have been long hoping for alternate and proactive care for the pain than at “Walk in Chiropractic ” you will find the real lower back pain help. The qualified, skilled, experienced and knowledgeable chiropractors here will offer you a holistic approach compared to long term use of pain killers and invasive surgery. You will get great deal of advice regarding exercise and life style for healthy back and pain recurrence.

For further inquiry or to book an appointment Call (713) 529-4808 Check out reviews on google.

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