

Do you know anyone who has not suffered headache? Throbbing in front of the head or pain in the temples or dull pain at the front, back or side of the head might be experienced during flu, temperature or tension. It has become a practice to say ‘I have migraine’ instead of headache. In fact, headache is a symptom, while migraine is a condition (set of symptoms) with headache as a main symptom.

Migraine a condition, disorder, disease or a syndrome is a debate for the medical professional . For rest of us it is enough to know that it is a recurrent headache usually on one side of the head (both sides can be affected to) the pain is often throbbing and debilitating. Migraine comes with one or more additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound or tingling/ numbness on face or extremities. It generally may last for 3-4 days and is so severe that it meddles with daily routines, sleep and work. These episodes can strike several times in a week or may occur as rarely as once or twice a year. Of course not everyone is alike, the pattern can vary widely person to person and sometimes by attack also. Sometimes before the headache begins people may get an aura warning sign from 5 senses (visual, sound, smell, taste and sensory touch).

Migraine is said to be a neurovascular disorder and is a top 20 of world’s most disabling medical illnesses. Women are three times more likely to have migraine than men. Migraine has strong genetic link evidence. It often starts in childhood, teenage or early adult hood. Certain culprits (triggers) that set migraines off are cheese, caffeine, alcohol, hormonal changes, strong smells, colognes, weather, flashing lights, loud noises and even medications. Amazingly it has not been ascertained that what causes migraine headaches and how these triggers affect some people not others. But most of migraine attacks occur for no apparent reason.

The diagnosis of migraine is not easy due to its erratic pattern. It is mainly based on patient’s history. Doctor evaluates symptoms thoroughly and runs some test for eliminating other possible causes of headache.

There are a number of pharmaceutical drugs for migraine treatment available. Over the counter medicines may control severe headache temporarily. These do not address the cause and have side effects especially with prolonged use. When planning treatment of migraine, identifying and eliminating triggers or alternatives have to be found. Some preliminary clinical studies suggest chiropractic can play an important and more comprehensive role in prevention of migraine.

At ‘Walk in Chiropractic’ Dr Naghavi has very profound approach towards his patients. He has gained a vast experience over the period of time and relates to patients well. He treats the ailments with a motto that “the patient gets well”. His intense history taking brings out the root cause. Dr Naghavi plans a long-term wellness treatment according to the individual requirements, which could be chiropractic point therapy, intense nutritional therapy and relaxing techniques.

Is ‘Migraine’ your problem? Don’t wait but call now 713-529-4808 to inquire further about this debilitating problem and its most effective treatment. We will be happy to assist you to your satisfaction.

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