What’s in a posture?


Posture is a particular alignment of the body in relation to body parts and the surroundings while one stands, sits or lies down. Now question is why is there so much emphasis on posture? It is because, our health is quite dependant on it. Posture plays a constant and major role in distribution of strain on our vertebral column while different activities are being done in daily life.

Spine a complex structure built of vertebrae, ligaments, muscles and intervertebral discs. Normal healthy spine has three natural curves; cervical, thoracic and lumber curve. Head rests on spine on one end and there is pelvis at the other. The effects of any misalignment between these two ends can be far reaching, musculoskeletal respiratory, digestive and circulatory system all have to bear the brunt.

Balanced posture is the one when all the parts of the body maintain equilibrium along with the natural S-curve. This S-curve has excellent mechanics; it distributes the workload of joints evenly and absorbs the shock wave produced by any motion. When this synchronicity is disturbed even slightly the whole mechanics is compensated; jeopardizing the collaboration of body systems. Pelvic or knee problems can appear as lower back pain, head ache or eye strain due to neck area problems and vice a versa. There can be compromise at the level of heart, respiratory system, circulatory system with thoracic spine problems, so on and so forth. List is long and every topic needs tackled separately.

There could be many causes of posture alteration it is mainly bad habits. But factors like pain leading to muscle guarding to avoidance posture, muscle spasm or contracture, more or less mobility at joint, developmental or degenerative errors, respiratory or psychological conditions, general weakness or excess weight can be the cause.

There should be emphasis on analysis of posture for its beneficial correction. The compensating muscles weakness or irregularity of joint can be damaging to the surrounding tissue. In examination; standing sitting and walking position are noted. Spinal alignment, limb and girth measurements are done. Muscles length and strength, joints flexibility and mobility are tested.

Today people look for medicine and surgery free solutions. In many therapies like chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy or osteopathy posture is the focal point. This collaboration of various parts and their fitness is their chief concern and work area. The chiropractors are trained to work on spine and play significant role in assisting people to attain and maintain a proper health posture.

During the examination muscle’s weakness or tightness guides the chiropractors to plan the specific therapy for the correction of posture. The chiropractors plan a treatment to correct the faulty mechanism and to maintain the correction by supportive measures. The modalities used are heat, massage, stretching, strengthening exercises and supportive plans.

At ‘walk in Chiropractic Associates’ the well trained licensed chiropractors can assist you in attaining the proper posture. Call 713-529-4808 and discuss your concerns.

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