Shoulder joint one of the big joints in our body, is a magnificent model of construction. It is a group of bones, muscles and ligaments working in harmony. Muscles which produce the movement in shoulder are attached to the three bones which are attached to each other with ligaments and keep the shoulder joint stable.

Shoulder pain is an extremely common complaint and can be experienced by men, women and children. It has many common causes and most of them are due to soft tissue injury. Dislocation, separation, rotator cuff disease or tear, frozen shoulder, fracture or arthritis are the most common problems. The pain may be localized in a small area or there may be pain in larger area. Sometimes this pain can also be a referred pain from neck or spine, gall bladder, pancreas and most important in heart attack pain can be referred to left shoulder and arm.

There could be any of the following conditions like incapability to raise the arm or inability to carry objects, deformity of the joint, pain that occurs at night or while resting, or it may be there for more than a few days, , bruising, swelling or redness over the joint.

If you have shoulder pain, it is important that an accurate diagnosis of the cause is made to aim the treatment. A shoulder problem is diagnosed on complaint history, physical examination and test such as X-rays, ultrasound, CT and MRI.

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) is the first line of treatment for shoulder problems. If the problem persists than cause is to be identified by health care giver for appropriate treatment. There is evidence that chiropractic treatment for musculoskeletal problem is effective for patients with pain.

At “Walk in chiropractic” our chiropractors are trained in medical diagnosis and it will be their priority to rule out any serious medical condition first.

Here our well trained chiropractors will examine you and will provide you most appropriate care. They will surely examine your neck and spine and will do more tests. He/she will advise you a treatment that will address your health condition and help you manage and avoid any further injury. Some of the services that you will be provided at “walk in Chiropractic” are manipulation of muscles (massage), bones and joints, often spine (chiropractic adjustment). Our chiropractors are qualified to teach you a whole new life style like advice you on diet, exercise and rehabilitation plan.

If, you are suffering from shoulder pain, please don’t wait pick up your phone and call (713)529-4808 or come over in our clinic “Walk in Chiropractic”.

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