Slipped Disc or Disc Herniation


Slipped disk’ a synonym to back ache now a days. It is a popular misnomer; as disc can’t slip but it can bulge, collapse, prolapse, rupture or protrude. ‘Disk Herniation is the medical term for slipped disc.

To understand disc herniation or slipped disc let’s see what is a disc? Spinal disc is lodged in between stacked up vertebrae. These discs are rubber doughnut like, consisting of two sections a central soft gel to give it flexibility and cushioning and outer tougher cartilaginous shell for shape and toughness. All are alike except in size, cervical discs are smaller.

100s of millions people develop herniated disc and 60% people don’t even know that they have disc herniation and are diagnosed by chance during a checkup (MRI) for some other reason and rest are diagnosed when they come with complaint of back pain, leg pain or weakness of the extremity muscles. Slipped disc or the herniated disc is a condition of intervertebral disc. People of any age may get it with predominance in middle age and older men.

This herniation is usually due to wear and tear or injury of the disc. With age the outer shell becomes weaker, more brittle and elasticity decreases. Tears or cracks might develop causing a part or all of disc to be pushed outside the normal position. If this herniation is big enough; it may press the nerves close by (nerve pinch) at that level. This spinal nerve is first irritated and then inflamed; causing pain or other symptoms locally or along the nerve path and. Disc herniation can happen at any level; 90% at the lumbar, sometimes at cervical and rarely at thoracic level.

Why it happened? It can’t be pin downed. It could be due to extra and sudden stress or strain to spine like twisting extremely or lifting heavy object incorrectly or due to trauma from fall or blow. Obesity or bad postures are big culprits. Middle aged and people with physically demanding jobs are always at higher risk. Weak supporting muscles due inactive life style have become a major cause these days.

Disc herniation can remain asymptomatic but the symptoms and their severity depends on the level and the pressure on the nerve involved. Pain often stars slowly and may get worse. Activity show aggravation and rest relives it. Numbness, tingling or weakness of certain muscles can be there. These symptoms often improve and even go away over period of time.

Medical history and physical examination is the key to diagnosis. It is not detected on plain X-ray instead Myelogram, CT, MRI and nerve test are done to locate the herniation and nerve involved.

Approximately 75% cases of disc herniation symptoms subside over some period of time and imaging studies have shown that bulge regress or reabsorb. Conservative treatment mainly is to reduce the symptoms which are bed rest, NASIDs, oral or steroid injection, physical or massage therapy. Surgery is the final option when nothing else works. Studies published have shown that most of the herniation respond well only to conservative treatment and resolve without surgical and medical interventions.

A renowned chiropractor states: ‘is pain management better or no pain to manage’. Our Chiropractors at Walk In Chiropractic work on the cause rather than the pain and symptom only. They verify the injury and establish a treatment plan accordingly, if your case is not in their domain they will refer you to spine specialist.

At ‘Walk in Chiropractic ’ in Houston you have this facility available to you. Here doctors have given individualized treatment plans to people; which have shown improvement and reduction in recurrence of pain. Don’t put off the thought of getting relieved but call now (713)-529-4808

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