

Scoliosis is a Greek word for crooked and is used for an anomaly of spine in which spine curvature deviates either to left or right, 10degrees more than the normal vertical alignment. It is the commonest anomaly of spine; others are Kyphosis and Lordosis. Around 5-7 million Americans by the age of 16 have scoliosis with girls 2 times more likely to be affected than boys. Although scoliosis has been seen in all ages but most cases develop over 10 years of age. Scoliosis shows definite hereditary influence.

A person with scoliosis can be identified by certain out ward appearance. The persons head will appear off centered. Both the shoulders, shoulder blades and hips may not be at the same level and seem tilted. There will be asymmetry in rib cage, trunk and unevenness in legs. All this will show in his posture (lean) and gate (limp).

Scoliosis is seen more in upper (thoracic) part of spine. The scoliotic curve can be functional or structural. Functional could be just due to wrong posture habits, uneven leg length or back muscle spasm and it is corrected by changing the position or posture of the person. Structural have more implications as these do not go away by mere changing of posture or position. Structural scoliosis; 8 in 10 times is idiopathic, 1 in 10 times is due to neuromuscular conditions ( polio, cerebral palsy etc), 1 in 10 cases are congenital or it can be due to some spine or bone anomaly.

Scoliosis is not life threatening condition. The basic symptom is abnormal curve of the spine. Usually in mild to moderate cases the onset is slow and symptom free in childhood but spurts at puberty with quick increase in height. There could be mild pain and disparity in figure. If left un-observed and un-treated it may become severe and serious later in life. Though rare but it can cause complications of heart, lung or nerve involvement hence breathe shortness, chest pain and paralysis may appear. Low self esteem and psychological problems can be seen due to disfigurement.

It is quite frequent that scoliosis is diagnosed during a general check-up usually in schools. In the check-up one is made to bend and reach for the toes with straight knees, this procedure makes the bend in spine more prominent. X-ray MRI and Scoliometer are done to check and keep the progress of the deviation of curve.

While making the decision of treatment certain aspects like gender, age, bone age, symptoms present as well as the cause, location and degree of the curve are considered. As 90% of cases are mild no treatment is required but should be monitored. Bracing and surgery is opted for stabilizing and more severe cases.

Several case studies suggest that chiropractic is successful in managing scoliosis along with the pain and discomfort related to it. Safe alternative to surgery like spinal manipulation, therapeutic exercise and electrical stimulation have been advocated in scoliosis.

At ‘Walk in Chiropractic Associates’ clinic in Houston, we give treatments for scoliosis. Chiropractors identify and analyse the condition of spine at first than plan an individualised treatment from a range of treatments available, suitable to your need. The target will be Leander Distraction treatment to increase the disc height so the canal space expands and decrease the pressure, this will ease the pain and flexibility of the spine will improve.

Walk in Chiropractic’ invites you to come and get yours and your loved ones spines checked and evaluated. This will save you from future hassle. Chiropractic is light on pocket and is the best alternative to surgery.

So pick up your phone and call (713) 529-4808 for further queries we will be happy to assist you.

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