Cold Laser Or Low Level Laser Therapy


Laser took medicine with a boom in 20th century. There must be hundreds of medical fields where laser is being used. Use of light goes back to the times of Greeks and Egyptians for treating illness. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) wrote a detailed hypothesis on LASER in 1917. Some eleven years later in 1962 Goldman is reported to apply it in medicine and then in 1967 Dr. Mester began using low power laser. Over the past few years LASER has captured medical field with leaps and bound. Medical and cosmetic fields, world over are using LASER for miscellaneous investigations and treatments.

Laser’s property of being able to penetrate deep and target a very small point has a huge therapeutic advantage. Medical laser has been classified by FDA into 3 groups; surgical, non surgical and low level laser. Low level laser works at the cellular level in the body accelerating tissue healing, lessening inflammation, and relieving pain in variety of acute and chronic conditions. The basic of it working is somewhat same as that of healing power of UV sun light rays.

FDA approved a selection of low level laser devices for musculoskeletal pains like in arthritis, neck and back pain, muscle spasms, carpal tunnel syndrome and wound healing. List of it uses is endless, LLLT is being commonly used in pain management, sports medicine cosmetic industry, investigating procedures etc.

Low level laser (LLL) or the cold laser; unlike the usual hot laser used for surgeries has stimulative effects at cell level. A small hand held device is used to aim the affected area and placed over the skin. A right amount of intensity and for certain period of time is released. When the targeted area is hit by laser; it results in chain reaction of biological effects at the cellular level of the under lying tissue. This enhanced intra cellular metabolism lessens the inflammation and releases some beneficial enzymes for healing. New blood vessel formation is also noticed and this combined with existing vessels increased functioning helps in reduction of fibrous tissue. Thus quick pain relief and speedy healing of tissue as well as boast in immune system and even nerve improvement is observed.

Cold laser or low-level laser therapy; A brilliant invention that has turned into an exceptional treatment. It is Non invasive, safe, with remarkably effective outcomes, with very rare side effects, convenient and there is no need for medication either. Only thing is the surface needs to be prepared for application. Doctors have to be trained to use it and both patient and the doctor should wear protective eye-glasses. It is contraindicated in cancerous, thyroid and pregnant patient.

At our ‘Walk In Chiropractic clinic we provide low level laser therapy for acute and chronic conditions. We are using Thor laser that is also being used by many renowned agencies like NASA, the British Army, the Royal Air Force, The Royal Navy and by our team Manchester United.

Thor laser has proven to be very effective in quick reduction of inflammation and decreasing the pain, in repair and healing of tissue, lessening the spasms and increasing the joint flexibility, in nerve regeneration causing faster recovery from nerve injury and also in amplifying the immune system.

Dr Reza Naghavi and associates are trained chiropractors at the ‘Walk in Chiropractic clinic. Cold laser therapy is very popular here due to rapid, excellent and effective results. Some of the conditions which have benefited at ‘Walk in chiropractic’ are as following;

Soft Tissue Injuries

Back and Neck Pain, Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Myofacial Trigger Points, Tennis Elbow, Repetitive Strain Injuries, Chondromalacia Patellae, Sprain, Strains.

Degenerative Joint Conditions

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Neurogenic Pain, Herpes Zoster (Shingles), RSD/CRPS, Post Traumatic Injury, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Fibromyalgia, Diabetic Neuropathy.

If you are living in Houston and are interested in non invasive and medicine free treatment of an acute of chronic condition don’t delay it. It is just a call away. Call (713) 529-4808 We will be glad to assist you in every possible way regarding your queries or the condition .

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