PREGNANCY Lower Back Pain


Pregnancy a miracle; whether planned, persuaded or a surprise will surely be thrilling and magical but it will be trying, often uncomfortable for some. Pregnancy is an incredible, physical and psychological roller coaster.

Pregnancy gives rise to astonishing changes in the body to accommodate and then to make passage for the baby. Morning sickness, head-aches, other pains are common with pregnancy. Hormones are released in the body for the continuation of the pregnancy and for delivery. Relaxing and other hormones loosen up the soft tissues and the ligaments hence the misalignment of the joints occurs. The uterus and fetus increase in size and descend into pelvis in the end of last trimester.

The studies reveals  50-60% pregnant women experience; mainly in the3rd trimester low back pain but it can occur at any time of pregnancy. The normal posture is compensated, there will shift of center of gravity to front of her pelvis as the curvature of the lower back increases. Weight is gained and hence more weight is shifted and strains the lower back and pelvic joints.

Almost 70-80% will feel discomfort in the pelvic region by the last trimester also known as Pubic Symphysis Discomfort (PSD) or Pregnancy Related Girdle Pain (PRGP). There is misalignment of pelvic girdle causing stiffness and pain but it is not harmful to the baby. This pain goes in the legs , front or back of the pubis.

Women can feel these pains even in early pregnancy. The normal day to day activities become demanding and challenging. Like in walking, standing, turning over in bed and walking up the stairs.

The chances of severe back ache or PSD is more in women who have had prior back problem or there is a multiple pregnancy. Older the pregnant females or have had pregnancy before with back pain are more predisposed. Women with physically demanding job tend to develop these conditions more. In most of the cases these symptoms go away after the labor but it may persist in some.

There is no need for a pregnant female to keep on suffering from any of the condition that accompanied her pregnancy. At Walk In chiropractic care, we provide safe and effective treatment that are available for all the pregnancy related common discomfort and problems. There is no reason to take these symptoms for granted.

Chiropractic is safe and drug free treatment available for pregnant women. Our Chiropractors are confident to take care of problems during pregnancy. Remember to consult one of our chiropractor. Irvin Henderson MD and member of AMA board of trustees concluded in a study that it was easy to carry and deliver more comfortably for ladies who had received chiropractic care in the 3rd trimester. Dr. Joan Fallon who has done many researches; one research showed that 1st time pregnant who got chiropractic care there labor time was 24% less and 39% less for 2nd or 3rd time delivery. In a study by an orthopedic Dr Per Freitag MD, PhD revealed that the need to use analgesic during delivery; reduced by half in patient who had been receiving chiropractic care.

Ladies in Houston if you are pregnant and have any symptom that is stressing you out, try Walk In Chiropractic . The certified chiropractors of our clinic can help you in reduction of symptoms and in improving the quality of life by aligning and creating a balance of misaligned joints.

 call us now (713) 529-4808. You find us to your satisfaction.

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