‘Sciatica’; a term familiar universally to the back ache sufferers. It is one of the commonest debilitating conditions. Sciatica suffers live; dreading the pain relentlessly. Sciatica is a different entity from ordinary back ache.

Sciatica in reality is a symptom of some underlying medical cause and is not a condition in itself. The cause of this symptom is the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in our body, running from lower back into the buttocks and than all the way down to legs and toes. So the pain and the other symptoms occur along its path.

Classically presentation of the pain and symptoms is on any one side of the body and shows a typical pattern of distribution. The pain can vary in intensity and occurrence. Mild or shooting pain begins in the lower back or buttocks and it goes down to back of one or both the legs may go into the calf and in to the toes. This pain can be constant or may come and go, it may exaggerate with sneezing and coughing. Sensation of pin and needles or electric shock may also be felt. Other symptom one may feel are burning, numbness and tingling sensations. Sciatica is also termed as radiating or referred pain, neuropathy or neuralgia. It is also referred as sciatic nerve pain.

The sciatic nerve originates at the lower back and passes through the pelvic region, just in front of the sacroiliac joint. It is quite deep set and passes under many muscles and in some unfortunate people it passes through a muscle called Pirifomis. The use of this muscle pinches the nerve and causes sciatica symptoms.

The cause of this excorticating pain most commonly is disc herniation (slip disc) or misaligned vertebrae at the lumbosacral region. Sciatica can also appear in degenerative arthritis or Stenosis of spine, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Pirifomis Syndrome or pregnancy.

People as they get old, degenerative process put them at risk of it. Other people who are at risk are obese people, or with job like carrying heavy loads, athletes, people living a sedentary lifestyle and diabetics; as they have high risk of nerve damage.

At Walk In Chiropractic we use comprehensive history and physical exam,  X-ray and MRI, Other imaging and blood labs may be necessary for investigation.

Sciatica pain usually needs help When  pain is at its peak. In a Australian studies concluded that resting offers minimal improvement and may worsen the condition. Prescription Medications for pain relief are; anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants and in more severe cases narcotics or cortisone.

Sciatic nerve treatment is very difficult at times it heals itself but it is customary to reoccur. It is necessary to have a structured approach to treat it. Chiropractic is very effective relieving the sciatic pain. People are aware of the fact that conservative treatment is effective, only 25% sciatic patient become pain free and surgery also does not hold any trophies either.

At Walk In Chiropractic our Chiropractors work on under lying cause by tackling misaligned spine and making it as healthy as possible by non invasive and drug-free care.

Walk in chiropractic associates’ in Houston has chiropractic doctors specifically trained to diagnose and give treatment for the condition. Dr Reza Naghavi (DC) at the clinic believes that the treatment should have long term results. He and his associates at the office make an effort to reach the cause of the pain and then build an appropriate therapy for best healing environment there.

The chiropractors at walk in chiropractic associates will be using broad range treatment and therapies, Ultrasound, TENS, Low level Laser Therapy,and spinal adjustments. You get best personalize chiropractic treatment for the fastest and most efficient recovery possible.Call Today (713) 529-4808 to get help.

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