

Fibromyalgia; painful muscles everywhere in the body!

Fibromyalgia is a common pain related syndrome rather than a disease. Fibromyalgia disrupts life by prevalent, mysterious muscle and joint pain cascading into physical, mental and social havoc. It probably affects nearly 10millions only in U.S and 3-6% worldwide with 9 times more women than men. There is no age specification, even children and teens show the presence. There is some evidence of genetic predisposition also. 

The persevering pain may rise and fall in its intensity. There will be always flu-like soreness and tiredness no matter how much rest or sleep you got. In the morning there will be stiffness. Your brain seems to be fogged and concentration and remembering things becomes difficult. Headache, sleep problems, anxiety and depression become a norm for fibromyalgia patient. There may be irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual cramping. There might be some days of reduced and some with severe symptoms but typically they don’t go away completely.

Fibromyalgia is put into ‘medically unexplained’ category.

Recently researcher found that many FM patients have enhanced activity of sympathetic nervous system. Due to altered central processing and nerve signals the body tends to misinterpret the normal pain signal and amplifies the response.

The correct diagnosis of fibromyalgia is the trickiest and most important part of the treatment. On average it takes almost 5 years for MD to get to an accurate diagnosis.  A history of at least 3 months of widespread pain on body’s both left and right sides above and below the waist and 11 out of 18 tender points should be painful when pressed. Now a day’s the new approved criteria is the ‘pain index’ of 19-item check list and ‘symptom severity scale’ in ascending order from 0-3 of non-refreshing sleep, fatigue, and cognitive problems.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed than the approach is to ease pain, fatigue, sleep problem, anxiety and depression by pain killers, sleeping pills, antidepressants and may be cortisones, narcotics or muscle relaxant. All the allopathic treatment given merely addresses the symptoms while Dr. Naghavi DC, ACN our Certified Applied Clinical Nutritionist at walk In Chiropractic approach is very different compare to others , He takes intense history, analyses saliva, blood test, and Low level laser Therapy . Dr. Naghavi uses chiropractic to align the misaligned joints. Your trip in to wellness begins when you talk to him, please visit our sister site at to read in detail how Dr. Naghavi approaches our fibromyalgia clients.

At ‘Walk in Chiropractic Associates’ we have helped many patients return to their normal lives by adjustments and nutritional advice. Once the misaligned joints get their alignment back the patients report reduction in pain and at times even total relief. As the pain reduces other complaints like sleep deprivation, fatigue, anxiety and depression show definite alleviation. Dr Reza Naghavi (DC) will be inculcating natural approach to the treatment. He will help you gain digestive health; the key to his approach in treating fibromyalgia are cold laser therapy and nutrition Therapy.

If you or your loved one is suffering with Fibromyalgia and want relief call us on Ph # (713) 529-4808 for further information and book an appointment.

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