Frozen Shoulder


Shoulder joint one of the most used joint in our body and is easily injured too. Each one of us knows someone who has shoulder pain. This pain can have a local origin or could be a referred pain. There is a long list of causes of the pain in the shoulder. Here we would discuss the most common debilitating condition ‘Frozen shoulder’ which can disturb sleep along with restricting the use of affected arm.

Commonly the complaint is that the shoulder has gone stiff and is painful when moved in certain direction. All this started gradually and worsened over time and now everyday activities have become toilsome. Frozen shoulder usually is a single joint complaint but over a time the other side might also be affected.

The medical name for it is Rotator Cuff Syndrome or Adhesive Capsulitis. The ball and socket part of the shoulder joint is enclosed in a capsule and the group of muscles and tendons that surrounds this joint is called rotators cuff. The inflammations of this capsule or the cuff causes the tissues within to shorten, thickened and stick over period of time.

Doctors are unable to pin point of the cause, in some cases is unidentifiable. Though it is certain that Frozen Shoulder starts with an inflammation of the capsule that causes the pain and with time range of joints movements is restricted. It’s a condition which is seen in people of 40-60 years- more in women than in men and is quite common in sports people. Also, people with chronic illnesses or surgery which has caused prolonged immobility of the joint are more prone to it.

Typically the signs and symptoms of frozen shoulder develop slowly. Frozen shoulder goes through three stages and each can last for couple of months. Usually starting out of the blue with stiffness and pain, next a stiffer joint and in third stage most of the movement returns. The whole series may take a long time such as two or more years.

For an excellent recovery it is important that frozen shoulder is diagnosed in early stages. It is vital to get the shoulder examined for accurate diagnosis as frozen shoulder symptoms overlap with other conditions of the shoulder and approach in treatment is quite different in each.

Diagnosis of the frozen shoulder can mostly be done on physical examination; you will be made to carry out some actions to check the pain and range of motion at the joint. To identify structural problems X-ray or MRI will be done.

If you have shoulder pain than like any other pain condition sooner a proper care is started quicker will be the relief. Recovery of frozen shoulder depends on the duration and severity of the problem and of course on treatment given. Usually conventional medical treatments for frozen shoulder fail and maybe not recommended. Seeking chiropractic help as research has shown it to be effective treatment in majority of cases with severe pain and rigidity due to frozen shoulder. Chiropractic Care treatment, has shown considerable improvement in both pain and motion and in every subsequent treatment further results will be felt.

Usually it begins with a slight misalignment of skull with the spine which affects the nervous system function. This kicks off the course of event to ‘Frozen shoulder Syndrome’ i.e. initially pain and then stiffness of the joint. Our chiropractor Dr. Naghavi has helped many with frozen shoulder and have had a good results.

Dr. Reza Naghavi D.C, a Licensed chiropractor at Walk in Chiropractic uses cervical adjustment, Electrotherapy, Ultrasound therapy, and Low laser therapy (LLLT) (Cold Laser). Once the misalignment is adjusted, may have an immediate effect on function of shoulder is observed after this process of dissolving of frozen shoulder begins. Often instant relief is seen with the combination of soft tissue therapy and chiropractic adjustment in patients suffering for years.

We at Walk in chiropractic associates tailor the treatment vpaln only for you call us to discuss your case at 713-529-4808.

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