Neck Pain


Neck a very important and most vulnerable part of the body. It joins our head (brain) to the rest of the body. It also helps move it in nearly every direction. The part of the spine which traverses neck is called cervical spine. Hence it makes the neck vital as along with being the passage to the spine, many muscle and major blood vessels, food and wind pipe pass through it.

Neck pain or stiff neck is very common almost two third of the population experiences pain in the neck at least once in their life time. It is the most common complaint in people above 50 but anyone can suffer from it. This pain can be localized or can radiate to the back, head or shoulder.

The cause could lay in any structure of the neck i.e. the muscles, nerves, bones or the disc between the bones. Causes could be any like a whip lash, sport injury, bad posture, bad pillows, arthritis, misaligned bones, meningitis and cancer. So like any other pain a pain in the neck could be a sign of some under lying disease. Neck pain may accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in arms or hands or you are suffering shooting pain in the arm, in the shoulder or down the arm at Walk In Chiropractic our doctor has expertise to diagnose thorough full Neck examination . Then our chiropractor may use diagnostic tests such as X-ray, CT scans or MRIs to find the cause of impingement, so we can tailor a therapy such as heat, cold therapy, chiropractic adjustments, massage or stretching exercises, Low level Laser Therapy for pain, and Cervical traction are some of the treatments offered in our clinic.

Our chiropractor will also teach you new life style to evade any further injury and enjoy life to the fullest. He will give the best advice in ergonometric for any change at work place. Our chiropractors are also trained to give nutritional advice and tips for pain management.

Neck pain treatment is one phone call away so call us now at (713)529-4808 to make an appointment.

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