Back pain, headache, shoulder hurting, eyes hurt, jaw hurts, in fact any joint are the most common complains of today’s stressful life. It won’t be a surprise if you are told that all is due to bad posture! A good posture is very important when it comes to a healthy way of living. And Chiropractic can help in maintaining one.

Here we need to understand that our body is controlled by the brain and nervous system. Brain is in the skull and the spine has the spinal cord. All the nerves, muscles and joints healthy function is closely intertwined. When the spine gets out of normal alignment the nerve function is disrupted. This could be silent and symptoms may appear much later. Chiropractor finds the error and by doing spinal adjustment relives the nerve function and this takes the body to road of healing.

What is Chiropractic? It is a procedure in which chiropractors (trained specialists) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to spinal joint. The goal is to correct the structural alignment to improve the body’s physical function. This spinal manipulation is known as chiropractic adjustment.

Licensed Doctor of chiropractic have a wide range of diagnostic skills. They are trained to focus on the whole person. Human body has innate intelligence of healing itself so they basically train and guide you to take care of this ability. They council you in nutrition and in the life style for a better physical and mental health.

This procedure of joint or spinal manipulation has been there for a very long time but it was acknowledged in 1895 when Daniel David Palmer claimed that he could remove cause of any and all disease with nothing more than his hands. This method continued to thrive over the years. In 2005 World Health Organization (WHO) published an article that considered these techniques to be a profession that is free of medicine and surgery. Today spinal manipulation or Chiropractic is licensed practice in several parts of the world.

The approach of Doctor of chiropractic is the same as in any other conventional clinic. The chiropractor Doctor takes a full history of the patient, physical, spine and Joint examination are few to mention. He/she might run some lab test, X-ray or MRI to diagnose and treat. After all this the plan of care is determined.

In spinal manipulation the joint in your spine is moved with hands to the range followed by light thrust, one might hear a popping sound like of knuckle cracking. This is done to re-align the spine. The chiropractor might massage soft tissues.

Chiropractic is safe and overall serious complications are rare. It’s rarely painful but you might feel a little achy and stiff for next couple of hours as the body is getting use to the new alignment. The treatment may require a series of visits. In certain cases heat and ice, stretching exercise or electrical stimuli may be used. Chiropractors may work in harmony with other healthcare practitioner where ever needed.

Chiropractic is quiet favorite among celebrities and athletes. Some big names are Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Novak Djokavic, Martina Navratilova, Mel Gibson and the list is long.