Gardening and Your Back

Gardening is hard work! It can put quite a strain on your muscles, especially those in your back. If you don't garden regularly, be sure to start slowly and work your way up to longer gardening…

High Heels and Your Back

While women have worn high heels for decades in the effort to look sexy, it is increasingly having a bad effect on their back, not to mention their knees and feet. Those pricey Manolo Blahniks may…

What Causes Aging?

Aging is influenced by our genes, environment, and lifestyle. By the time we reach middle and old age, these factors have had time to make a significant impact on our health. Some of these influences…

Do I Really Need to Stretch

Stretching is the part of our workout regimen many of us tend to skip. We might say it is because of lack of time, impatience or a feeling that stretching is "pointless." However it is important that…