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Hip Pain help

Your hips and legs support your entire body. They provide stability, strength, mobility, and flexibility. Misalignment or subluxation of the spine can cause both hip and leg pain by irritating the…

Spinal Degeneration

The spine can be thought of as a mechanical device that needs proper care and maintenance. The better you care for your spine, the longer it will operate without problems. However, it will wear out…

Why We Shrink as We Get Older

If you’ve ever noticed that the car ahead of you in traffic seems to be driving itself, there’s a good chance that the person driving it is elderly. Shrinking in height as we age is quite normal, and…

What Causes Aging?

Aging is influenced by our genes, environment, and lifestyle. By the time we reach middle and old age, these factors have had time to make a significant impact on our health. Some of these influences…