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Chiropractic for Cyclists

A burning sensation in the shoulders, numbness of the arms and hands, and tightness in the neck are common sensations among both recreational and competitive cyclists. They might be easy to ignore at…

Chiropractic for Golf Performance

PGA golfers Tiger Woods and Padraig Harrington have used chiropractic services for years in order to improve and maintain their golfing performance. Their successes suggest a benefit of chiropractic…

Gardening and Your Back

Gardening is hard work! It can put quite a strain on your muscles, especially those in your back. If you don't garden regularly, be sure to start slowly and work your way up to longer gardening…

Do I Really Need to Stretch

Stretching is the part of our workout regimen many of us tend to skip. We might say it is because of lack of time, impatience or a feeling that stretching is "pointless." However it is important that…